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While I draw on tools and teachings from many organisational, sociological and human behaviour experts, I rely mostly on the Enneagram for personality profiling. The Enneagram is, at its core, a transformational tool that identifies not only how we show up, but why, so the work happens on a very profound level. Both the accuracy of the tool and the depth at which we do the process work allows for accelerated, sustainable shifts.

What Is The Enneagram 2

The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that helps individuals and teams better understand themselves. By revealing unconscious patterns of behaviour, it’s an invitation to explore why and how we do what we do. Comprising nine Enneagram types, three subtypes, 18 wings, three Centres of Expression and a multitude of Triadic styles, the framework offers deep insight into who we are, what is holding us back and importantly, what a map towards integration would look like.

Finding Your Enneagram Type Image
Finding Your Enneagram Type 2

Finding your type involves a briefing session with me and an online 30 minute test. Once your test is complete, we will engage in a 90 minute Discovery Session, where I will help you to understand and explore all of the aspects of your Enneagram type. You will receive a comprehensive 42 page report, which covers:

• Core Enneagram Type
• Motivation, Behaviour, Psychodynamics
• Blindspots, Strengths & Challenges
• Centres of Expression/Intelligence (Thinking/Feeling/Acting)
• Wing Influence
• Self Awareness & Integration
• Stress & Strain Levels
• Developmental Lines of Tension & Release
• Communication Styles
• Giving & Receiving Feedback
• Conflict & Triggers
• Decision Making Style
• Leadership & Management Style
• Team Behaviour
• Likely Coaching Relationship